Group Order Point Person
Thank you for taking the lead on creating a Group Order for your group. As a thank you for your time and effort, you will receive one FREE 12 oz. bag of coffee per Group Order. In order to qualify as a Group Order, you’ll need 8 bags minimum.
Creating a Group order is super easy!
How it works:
Invite people to participate in a Group Order by directing them to the
Group Order Invite Page.
* Include the above link in a text or email.
* Be sure to ask them to reply to let you know how many bags they will be
ordering per month.
* If you belong to a nonprofit and want $1 per bag sold to be donated to your
> be sure to let those you are inviting know that money from their Group Order
is not only supporting FIGHT COFFEE, but your nonprofit as well!
> include a link to the website of your nonprofit!
Once your group's order meets the 8 bag minimum...
Give the following info to Group Members
* The order date (entire group places their order on the same day)
* The name of your Group
* Ship to info: full name & address
Note: It’s best to ship to a business address (although not required),
as coffee left out in the elements for too long hinders freshness!
* Two discount codes to be entered into the discount code box:
> GOMEMBER: click APPLY to save $4 per bag
> 86ship: click APPLY to remove shipping fee
* The Group Order Point Person's phone number and email address.
* Instruct them to select the subscribe button in the red box under purchase
* direct them to select the SUBSCRIBE option while placing their order
Email Anthony at
* Type NEW GROUP ORDER into the email's SUBJECT BOX
* In the body of the email, indicate the following:
> Group Order Point Person's name
> Group Order date
> Group name
If there are other groups (businesses, sports teams, churches, etc.) that
share your name, please add your last name to your Group Name.
Also, please avoid initials, as we want to avoid having multiple Group
Orders with the same initials to avoid confusion.
> Full name and address Group Order will be shipped to
> how many members belong to the group
> how many bags the order will total
> what roast and grind you want your FREE 12oz. bag of coffee to be.
Your FREE bag of coffee is not a part of the 8 bag minimum. So if, as
the Group Order Point Person, you want two bags of coffee per month,
you’ll want your subscription order to have only one bag listed.
* If you are the leader of a nonprofit and want $1 per bag sold to be donated to
your organization, be sure to specify this in your email.
* If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them!
Receive email confirmation from Anthony
Note: Your Group Order will include a Packing Slip for each individual order.
If you’d like to purchase bags online to place individual orders in, here are a few
options from other retailers: Paper bags | Plastic bags | Self Seal bags
Communicate how you will get Group Orders to group members.
All orders and payments are placed online by each individual Group Order Member. Note: Choose the subscription option when placing your order (required).
Add Group Members any time!
IMPORTANT! Ideally, you'll want to shoot for 10-12 bags of coffee per group. This way, if someone drops out of the group, you'll remain at or above 8 bags.
Enjoy receiving monthly orders, handing ‘em out to your group + FREE coffee!